Sunday, June 24, 2012

Canada Roadtrip - BC

Me and Black Beauty (Sombrio, BC)

British Columbia

So I have officially begun my trek across Canada, and was kind of surprised and really impressed that me and Black Beauty made it through the Canyon and all the way to 100 mile house and the Hungry Valley Ranch where I`ll be spending the next week. I decided to do a travel blog mostly out of laziness, so that everyone else can see what I`m up to without me having to send out numerous group emails. I do have my phone but there isn`t much reception at this farm...

Capstone Chocolate Fondue, Vancouver
So after a nice night in Vancouver eating some delicious fondue, I drove for 7 hours from Van to 100 mile. Google maps says it takes less time but my van decides for itself when it gets somewhere. I only had to stop for gas once, and walked around Cache Creek to stretch my legs. When I got to 100 mile I drove down a gravel stretch to the ranch at the end of the road (which didn`t have a sign saying the name of the ranch but did have a no trespassing sign) and wasn`t sure if I was at the right place. Luckily I was, though at first the owner, John, didn`t know who I was and forgot I was showing up Friday. I was just in time for a party up the street at a neighbouring farm, and was exhausted, but some soup and rum helped with that:)

I was going to sleep in my van, but they have an extra room in the house for me, which is good because it`s mosquito central here. Saturday was my first official day on the farm and I spent it weeding the garden, watering tomatoes and squash in the greenhouse, and sorting through carrots. Sounds easy, but I can see that doing this every day would be tiring, especially with making and clearning up after meals. Carrots can be kept through the winter if you put them in sawdust and store them in a cool place. The ones I was sorting through had been in the well house (where the well is) since October - 8 months! Also spruce tree tips can be dried and made into jam.

After lunch we went to town and got some fresh cherries and made a pie (mostly Carolyn, another wwoofer, but Konrad pitted the cherries and I cut them). We ran out of butter and John went to the neighbours to borrow some. One thing I love about smaller towns is that people know each other so well that they go over to their house to borrow butter (whether the owner is home or not!) and all the cars are left unlocked with the key in.

Today is our day off so I slept in (until 8:30, where we normally wake up for breakfast at 7:30!) and might wander to the lake or go for a ride on the quad if it doesn`t pour and see if I can get some cell reception... 
Feeding carrots to Carol the pig


  1. Hi Jamila! I am following your blog daily and will keep you in my prayers! I don't know why rum would make you feel better. It tastes like flavored turpentine, and takes away your natural ability to enjoy life. What is the sense of pushing for a green habitat only to trash society with (the dysfunctional and delusional) alcohol? Just asking. Your a wonderful person Jamila, and I know God loves you very much. I hope and pray that you will find Jesus in your travels. I lived 20 years without Him and now 30 years with Him. I would never recommend the former for anyone. In Christ I have found purpose, love and and great friends. I love you Jamila! You are part of my family and always will be. Love Uncle Jim...

  2. A travel blog is such a good idea! Love the pics. That pie looks amazing. Spruce tree jam? Crazy talk!

    Hope you're having an awesome first bit of your trip! LOVE YOU!!!

  3. Hey You!I assume my previous comment was not posted...I hope the "Hungry Valley Ranch" is an experience to are def in "gods country"...Hope you are meeting interesting people and livestock out for the cow pies.
