Thursday, March 27, 2014

Nossa Paz - Bees!

Just a quick post to say I am still doing well. I've been helping with sanding and putting glaze on woodwork, and the usual garden chores of weeding and watering and planting. A huge highlight of this week was going to visit the bee hives near the farm. We collected honey and I later jarred it. So neat to see!



  1. Hi Jamila! What another wonderful setting to be in!Maybe you could start a honey business on V.Island...Jam' Jam"s Honey! Looks like you are having fun,miss you xoxoxoxo

  2. Hey Jamila! Happy Birthday to you! Hugs!

  3. We can have a hive and make our own honey covered cereal for our breakfast cafe! Perfect! Haha, so cool though!
